"Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning." ~Robert John Meehan

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Tune-Up Your Turn-In System

I still have nightmares about the overflowing mess that was my turn-in basket.

Papers going all different directions, spilling out every side, forgotten by me for days...


Hmmmm, what can I do to eliminate this black hole where papers go to die.....

Finally, it hit me.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Google Forms: Work Smarter, Not Harder

I love easy.

Especially when it comes to my classroom. Who doesn't?!

When I first started teaching years and years ago, technology was not a big part of the classroom. All of my data and meticulous notes were kept in a giant 5 inch binder.


It had all kinds of papers for each student: reading conference forms, writing forms, math data forms, anecdotal notes, behavioral notes, parent contact, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting. It was giant but it was necessary. My favorite part was getting to lug it around to all my meetings...

Luckily, technology is our friend (most days) and I have been able to replace all that paper with a simple, useful, personal system.


Saturday, October 21, 2017


Character traits. Always a huge part of learning targets, and rightfully so. But it can be so hard to get kids to identify beyond
"He is nice."
"She is kind."
"He is nice."
"She was nice."

On top of that, we work so hard to incorporate social skills, 7 Habits, positive interactions, and work ethic. If only there was a simple way to incorporate daily practice....


Monday, August 14, 2017

My Classroom Library: The Sequel

So, you have may have read my post about my classroom library. You can see what I use and how I organize them all here. It has been so great to hear from so many people! I love seeing all kinds of library ideas and how unique they are.

As it seems to go this time of the year, Back To School brings lots of new: new supplies, new backpacks, new rooms..... new grade levels!

After three years in first grade and seven years in second, this year I am moving to third grade! And as all of you know, with a new space comes new challenges opportunities. This means I made some changes to my classroom library.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Whistle While You Work: Let Music Run Your Classroom

Music is one of the best tools I have in my classroom management tool belt. It is great not only for work time but transitions, brain breaks, class building, and learning new content. Sometimes I stream straight from YouTube, but mostly I use files on my computer that is connected to my Smartboard.

Think about it... how often do we have music going in our lives? In the car, working out, grading papers {ok so that's typically Netflix, but you get the idea}. It can change our mood, help our focus, relieve anxiety, and boost productivity. Here are some ways I use music in my classroom.